San Jose Electric Scooter Accident Lawyers

San Jose commuters face increasing dangers as varying modes of transportation converge on the streets, sidewalks, and bike lanes of San Jose, making it critical for every commuter to understand the laws for operating their motor vehicle. Electric scooters have become a growing alternative transportation, allowing users to bypass the need for more traditional transportation options and reach their destination faster. However, multi-use areas in California create unprecedented transportation challenges that continue to grow in San Jose.

If you have suffered injuries while riding an electric scooter or have been injured by an e-scooter driver, speak with San Jose electric scooter accident lawyers immediately to discuss the damages you have suffered. Let an experienced accident attorney at Suits Litigation, Inc. focus on the California laws impacting your case to recover the compensation you deserve. No claim or case is too complex, and we are here to take on the legal battle while you focus on recovery.

Who May be Injured in a San Jose Electric Scooter Accident

Riding a scooter has the same injury potential as any other motor vehicle, but it also has the added dangers that more vulnerable San Jose commuters may face. The human body is no match for any object moving at considerable speeds throughout the city. The injuries an e-scooter driver can suffer may be significant. Additionally, electric scooters moving at speeds up to 15 mph can inflict severe injury to other, more exposed commuters in San Jose. The following individuals may suffer injuries in a San Jose electric scooter accident:

  • A scooter’s operator
  • Other scooter drivers
  • Pedestrians
  • Bicyclists and e-bicycle riders
  • Workers accessing electric scooter traffic lanes, crossings, and other use areas

Every individual using public areas in San Jose owes a duty of care to others utilizing these spaces. When that duty is breached, significant injuries can occur. An e-scooter accident lawyer will work to identify the responsible parties in an accident involving an e-scooter to help you seek the compensation you need for recovery.

How San Jose Electric Scooter Accident Attorneys Can Help You

Understanding the California and San Jose laws that impact travel is critical to safely operating any motorized vehicle. However, applying transportation regulations is best accomplished by e-scooter accident lawyers familiar with the laws affecting micro-mobility, pedestrians, motorists, and bicyclists in the area. There are many impactful ways an e-scooter accident attorney can help you, including:

  • Provide legal guidance on documenting and managing medical care needs
  • Investigate an electric scooter accident and obtain vital documentation before it is deleted, destroyed, or lost
  • Contact the responsible parties and notify them of the intent to file a claim
  • Serve as a mediator between a client and the insurance company to effectively negotiate a settlement
  • Litigate a case in court when a fair settlement cannot be reached for the injuries suffered
  • File a San Jose wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of the family who has lost a loved one in an electric scooter accident in California

Suits Litigation, Inc. will work tirelessly to uncover any damages you have suffered to provide the most accurate compensation possible. An electric bike accident lawyer will also ensure that responsibility in a San Jose accident is accurately assigned to protect your best interests and financial compensation. We also strive to protect families impacted by the loss of a loved one due to an e-scooter accident.

Why Choose Us if you Have Been Injured in an Electric Scooter Accident

If you experience electric scooter accident injuries, choose electric bike accident lawyers who specialize in personal injury. Personal injury law in San Jose applies to many types of accidents and Suits Litigation, Inc. has a firm grasp of these laws that impact your recovery. Working with San Jose personal injury attorney James C. Suites II provides the following benefits:

  • An e-bike accident lawyer who serves clients with compassion and openness
  • 100% focus on maximizing the outcome of your case to provide the best care and compensation to address your needs
  • Someone who willingly listens to understand your experience and thoroughly explains available legal strategies and options 
  • An electric scooter accident lawyer who conducts business with integrity and respect
  • An electric bike accident attorney with an extensive range of civil litigation experience in San Jose
  • The stress of litigation to be removed as much as possible as you focus on your health needs

Legal situations can create stressful and sometimes contentious deliberation. Our primary goal is to stand up to the most challenging battles on your behalf while providing a comfortable, understanding environment to process the alternatives in your case. 

Cost of Hiring a San Jose E-Bike Accident Attorney

The thought of hiring e-bike accident lawyers may get dismissed or pushed aside when medical bills are beginning to accumulate, and work is limited or impossible due to your injuries. Suits Litigation, Inc. provides services on a contingency fee basis. This fee scale allows e-bike accident attorneys to cover potential fees such as:

  • Court filing fees
  • Records retrieval fees
  • Investigation expenses
  • Deposition transcript costs
  • Expert witnesses services
  • Electric scooter accident lawyer fees

Clients owe no fees until a case is successfully resolved in their favor through settlement, trial, arbitration, or another legal avenue that helps our clients cover the losses they have experienced. The injuries you endure are overwhelming enough. Never let the financial fear of working with an experienced e-scooter accident lawyer prevent you from seeking the help you need. We strive to provide answers to these frequently asked questions that often serve as barriers to representation.

Potential Compensation in an Electric Scooter Accident

The damages you can recover in a personal injury case involving an electric scooter accident will vary based on each unique case. Injury victims are often unaware of the compensations available to them, adding to the struggle of recovery. Suits Litigation, Inc. will thoroughly evaluate your claim to understand better which of the following damages may apply to your case:

  • All medical care costs, including future care needs
  • Lost wages, income, and bonuses
  • Medication expenses
  • Home services 
  • Transportation costs to appointments
  • Home or vehicle modifications
  • Medical equipment purchases, rental, or lease
  • Pain and suffering 
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Emotional trauma
  • Scarring or disfigurement
  • Loss of quality of life

Clear and convincing evidence must exist that an individual acted with fraud, malice, or oppression to be responsible for punitive damages in an e-bike accident. Punitive damages are a rare compensation used to punish a defendant for a behavior instead of compensating a plaintiff for losses. However, when these damages apply to a case, we aggressively seek them for a client.

Liable Parties in an Electric Scooter Accident

Determining who holds fault for a San Jose electric scooter accident is critical to your financial recovery. Multiple parties may be found at fault, including an electric scooter driver. Contributing blame to someone other than their customer is beneficial to the insurance company and provides avenues to reduce payout costs. Each individual involved in an electric bike accident in San Jose is assigned a percentage of fault, and their percentage of negligence reduces the compensation available to them. Potentially responsible parties include:

  • The electric scooter operator
  • A motor vehicle driver
  • Pedestrian
  • Bicycle operator
  • Electric scooter manufacturing company
  • Electric scooter rental agency
  • A governmental agency 

Evidence such as video camera footage, eyewitness testimony, and cell phone records are critical evidence that must be collected immediately to protect from a loss of contact with potential witnesses and the erasure or deletion of critical records or visual documentation. Suits Litigation, Inc. is ready to begin securing this vital documentation today to provide for your future compensation.

Time Limits for Filing an Electric Scooter Accident Claim in California

An electric scooter claim should be filed immediately with the insurance company. Injury victims have two years from the date the injuries occurred to take legal action. We never encourage a wait-and-see approach to personal injury, hoping that fair compensation will be offered for your injuries. 

Taking the initial steps to begin the process ensures you meet legal deadlines. Failing to adhere to critical timelines may result in the complete loss of compensation ability. Other variables exist that may impact the time you have to take legal action. Assuming there is time is costly. We strive to eliminate those obstacles by working within the timelines that apply to your case.

Steps to Take Following a San Jose E-Scooter Accident

The primary focus following any accident is to receive medical care as soon as possible for your injuries. Not only may this prevent further damage, but it will also help establish a timeline of when you first experienced these injuries and their cause for an e-scooter accident attorney. Failing to obtain essential medical documentation may allow your injuries to be attributed to pre-existing conditions or other factors. If your injuries do not require immediate emergency care, schedule an appointment as soon as possible with your healthcare provider. But first, take the following steps:

  • Move to safety to prevent other injuries and accidents
  • Take photos of the accident scene, including all vehicles involved and their positions after the accident, damage, license plates, and contributing factors, such as debris in a bike lane or water on the roadway
  • Collect contact information and insurance provider information from involved parties
  • Never admit fault or guilt. It is best not to discuss the details of the accident with anyone at the scene. Accident victims often miss critical events that contribute to an accident, leading them to accept undue blame or fault 
  • Ask for contact information of witnesses to the accident
  • Refrain from making recorded statements to an insurance company or turning over all personal medical documents
  • Refrain from posting or commenting about the accident on social media. Abstain from posting to social media until your case is settled to prevent your actions from being used against you as evidence
  • Reach out to a knowledgeable San Jose electric bike accident lawyer to protect your claim

Your actions after an electric scooter accident can severely impact your claim. Suits Litigation, Inc. understands a client’s desire to be helpful and encourage a quicker settlement. It is necessary to understand that clients are not required to take the first settlement offer from an insurance company, and it is often beneficial to refuse it. Read our client reviews to understand better how Suits Litigation, Inc. will work for you to provide legal justice. 

Causes of San Jose Electric Accidents

Electric scooter accident attorneys in San Jose will be required to prove what actions caused your damages. This aspect is critical to any claim. Negligence occurs in many forms. Causes of e-scooter accidents include:

  • Distracted driving resulting from any behavior that takes a commuter’s attention from the roadway to another place. Cell phones are not the only cause of distracted driving. Pedestrians can also participate in distracted behaviors that impact others
  • A lack of familiarity with micro-mobility laws in San Jose that impact bicycles, e-scooters, and e-bikes
  • Impaired operation of a vehicle or electric scooter caused by alcohol or drugs
  • Improperly maintained roadways, bike paths, and public spaces
  • Aggressive driving 
  • Driver error

We leave no stone unturned in proving the causes of your damages.

Work With Knowledgeable San Jose Electric Scooter Accident Attorneys

Complex laws govern California transportation, and additional legislation is enacted within various city municipalities to protect everyone commuting in these areas, no matter your choice of transportation. Suits Litigation, Inc. is familiar with the challenges you are up against in proving negligence in an electric scooter accident case and is ready to take on the legal battle for you, allowing you time to get your life back following an accident. 

Contact us online or call (408) 533-0128 to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case. Your recovery is critical, and we are here to facilitate your ability to successfully come back from costly damages in a San Jose electric scooter accident. Meeting critical legal timelines is essential to the success of any claim, and we are ready to step in and provide the navigational tools and assistance you need.