San Jose Dog Bite & Animal Attack Lawyers

As highly experienced and passionate attorneys, you can depend on Suits Litigation, Inc. to be by your side. Our San Jose dog bite lawyers have helped many people recover financial losses incurred through no fault of their own. If you were bitten or attacked by a dog, you need an aggressive attorney from Suits Litigation, Inc., to fight for maximum compensation.

We Know the Laws on San Jose Dog Liability

San Jose has leash laws that require that a person walking with their dog in public have that pet on a leash that is no longer than six feet. Yet, even when this happens, some dog owners allow their pets to run freely or give them too much slack. It does not take long for an accident to occur and for people to suffer years of injuries and long-term recovery.

A dog owner is responsible for the damage their dog causes to other people and property. That includes medical and emotional losses you suffer as a result of the dog bite or attack. This is the case even if the dog owner has the dog on a leash. If you were hurt, you need to work with a dog bite lawyer in San Jose who can offer you comprehensive legal support throughout this case.

Even if a dog does not have a history of biting people or any aggressive behavior, owners are responsible for keeping that dog contained and not exposing others to risks. That means if a dog bites you, no matter if the owner was trying to hold it back or not, you may have the right to compensation. We can help make that possible.

How Our Dog Bite Lawyers Work to Protect Your Rights

The first step is to meet with our dog bite attorneys in San Jose, CA, to discuss your case. We do not charge you a fee for this initial consultation, but we will answer many of your questions during it. That includes providing you with insight into whether your rights were violated. If you agree to move forward with our legal team, we will then work to document your case thoroughly and prove you are owed maximum compensation.

We Determine Who is Responsible

If you have not done so, you need to file a police report in the community where the incident took place. The police will investigate the claim and then will seek out the dog’s owners. This is critical in all situations, but especially in any case where you may not know who the dog is or who the owner is. We use the police report and investigation as the starting point for determining who may be responsible.

We Determine Your Losses

In an animal attack, you may incur numerous losses, including medical bills. It is our obligation to determine what those losses are in full. Since this will form the starting point for your claim, we need to exhaust all details about your case. This will include the following:

  • Gathering medical evidence about the injury
  • Documenting any medical bills you already have
  • Considering any long-term medical care you may need, such as reconstructive surgeries or infection treatment
  • Determine the cost of any costs related to recovery and rehabilitation
  • Estimate your lost time at work and any lost benefits you have
  • Gather insight into how this may impact your future
  • Factor in costs related to your mental health

No matter how severe the case is, having an experienced animal attack lawyer in San Jose, CA, by your side is critical. If not, you may not know all of the losses you could recover and that means you may not receive the money you are owed. We work hard to avoid that from occurring in your situation.

We File and Manage the Insurance Claim

Most of the time, dog bites are covered under the dog owner’s home insurance policy. That does not mean the process is easy. In many situations, we must work to prove to the insurance company that:

  • You did nothing to provoke the dog into biting you.
  • Their policyholder, the dog owner, is responsible for your injuries.
  • You have injuries that have caused you financial harm and losses.
  • You deserve to be paid for those losses.

Insurance companies work very hard to limit what they pay out and if they pay out. They will push back against any claim you make, but we expect that. As highly experienced animal attack attorneys, we will work tirelessly to defend your right to compensation. We negotiate with evidence, which means we work hard to prove what you are owed and why.

We Go to Trial When it is Necessary

Most of the time, our skilled dog bite attorneys will be able to get your case settled out of court. When possible, that is wise because it keeps your costs down while also ensuring that you get paid sooner. If the insurance company is unwilling to pay a fair level of compensation to you, we will then seek to file a lawsuit against them to hold them accountable.

As highly experienced trial attorneys, you can expect us to work hard to ensure that your voice is heard. We bring the experts, the accident reconstructionist, and the team of knowledgeable experts to fight on your behalf. We take pride in working hard to help our clients get the results they need.

Common Injuries in a Dog Attack

One of the steps our attorneys take after a dog bite victim contacts us is to ensure you are receiving the necessary medical care to support your long-term recovery. That requires seeking immediate medical care right after the incident and ongoing support as it is recommended to you. This is very important in both documenting and caring for your injuries. The following are some of the most common injuries our dog bite lawyers in San Jose, CA, have helped clients receive compensation for:

  • Soft tissue damage
  • Nerve damage
  • Broken bones
  • Head injuries from falls
  • Disfigurement
  • Scarring
  • Internal injuries
  • Sepsis or infection
  • Amputation
  • Spinal column injuries

It is also important to note that dog attacks can also be some of the most traumatic of accidents. This leads to the onset of mental health complications. If you are experiencing any of these, we strongly encourage you to seek out legal support from our team:

  • Onset of depression
  • Trauma, including post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Anxiety
  • Debilitating stress
  • Changes to your mental well-being, including the onset of disorders
  • Changes in your personality, like mood swings

By fully understanding what has occurred to you, we can then document the type of care you may need, not just right now but well into the future as well. It is critical to remember that dog bites are not just punctures to the skin but frightening, even terrifying, incidents that can make it hard for you to be around dogs again. 

Long-Term Potential Complications from Dog Bites and Dog Attacks

One of the methods we use to support our clients is to look at the long-term implications of this dog attack, which is critical. Our animal attack attorney will consider any of the medical bills you have right now, but we will also look into the future and determine how this impacts your ability to live your life. Some of the long-term consequences our clients face include:

  • Mental and emotional trauma requiring care
  • Limitations on mobility
  • Loss of ability to work
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Modification to home or vehicle
  • Scarring and disfigurement toll
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Loss of ability to do the things you enjoy
  • Impact on your relationships

Serious dog bites can mean months in the hospital and recovery. It could mean that you cannot work or do the things you love or need to do. When that is the case, you deserve compensation for those losses. Expect our San Jose, CA, dog bite attorneys to work hard to prove that.

What Is Your Dog Bite Accident Worth Is Not a Simple Figure

Determining the value of your dog bite losses means carefully considering all of those losses above. Yet, even then, there is much more to think about before we can put a price tag on its value. We need to consider:

  • The length of your recovery
  • Whether you have any permanent disabilities
  • The severity of disfigurement
  • What your doctor believes is your long-term prognosis
  • What type of costs you may have for years to come

We use statements from both your doctor and medical experts to analyze the long-term implications of dog attacks. From there, we build your case by focusing heavily on accident reconstruction, when necessary, as well as past cases like your own that can help to determine the value of noneconomic damages, such as pain and suffering or emotional trauma.

Why Choose to Work with Suits Litigation, Inc. on Your Dog Bite Case

Suits Litigation, Inc. is founded on the principle of providing exceptional legal representation to our clients in every situation. We understand that a dog bite is more than just a puncture on the skin or a cut on your leg. It is a violation of your right to personal safety and can impact you for years to come. We are passionate about fighting for our clients to receive full and fair compensation in any way that is possible.

  • Proven results: Throughout our history, we have helped our clients recover millions of dollars in losses. We will fight passionately to help you maximize your claim as well.
  • Compassionate support: We also recognize the importance of providing you with compassion as you navigate this difficult time. At the same time, expect us to be aggressive in fighting to protect your rights.
  • Experience matters: Take a look at our client testimonials. Find out what we do to help our clients. What you will find is that we provide service to our clients facing incredible loss helping to protect their future.

Insurance companies are rarely on your side. They are for-profit organizations dedicated to reducing any claim they pay out. It is up to our legal team to make sure you are not taken advantage of in these situations. When you choose to work with our animal attack lawyers in San Jose, CA, you can expect outstanding support and clear insight into your legal rights. We stay by your side throughout this process.

How a Child’s Injuries Are Even More Important to Fight For

Many times, dog bites occur to children, and that is not because a child is more likely to cause injury to others. Rather, as smaller people, dogs can cause much more significant damage to a child than to an adult. Children are also less able to fight off or move out of the way to avoid such an attack.

Yet, your child could be impacted by this for years. Infection risks, disfigurement from scarring, and even mobility challenges can arise. As a direct result of this, we work very hard to ensure our clients and their children are well protected under the state’s laws and receive fair compensation they are owed. Do not let an insurance company settle this case before you are confident you are getting the compensation you are owed. 

What to Do Now: Get in Touch with Our Dog Bite Lawyers in San Jose, CA Now

When you are facing a dog bite injury, you likely have numerous medical bills and other losses. You may be faced with financial losses for years to come and changes in your mental health and well-being. Let us fight for you. Contact us to set up a free consultation to discuss your case with our legal team. There is no cost to you.

At Suits Litigation Inc., our dog bite attorney in San Jose, CA, is ready to help you. Contact us to discuss your case in private. Expect us to answer your questions and provide you with immediate steps you can take to protect your future. Now is the most important time for you to take action. Call us now to schedule a free consultation.